Fashion week hair show steal supermodel runway hairstyles

Went to the four major fashion weeks, New York, London, Milan, Paris, 4 large wave of fashion is a luxury to “reign”. During this extraordinary season, fashion, accessories, make-up … … Can find the perfect stage for ego.

Small series of decisions designed to lock in the focus on a catwalk supermodel hairstyles, decrypted for you next year the most innovative cutting-edge fashion styles, show you how to use appropriate techniques and hair care products to easily build their own!

Fashion week hair show steal supermodel runway hairstyles

Seasonal catwalk hairstyles tags: “CRAFTED CHAOS”-“fine mess”

As the 2014 London fashion week’s fiery, major brand with originality, to doo. Conference in Antonio Berardi spring/summer ready-to-wear show on hair master Eugene Souleiman with 80 ‘s heavy metal source for inspiration, to create a vibrant, wild and unrestrained yet delicate, unkempt ordered hairstyle.

Fashion week hair show steal supermodel runway hairstyles

Similarly, in 2014 on the Nicole Miller spring/summer fashion week shows in New York, hair stylist also unkempt and disseminated, to create a natural with smart and refined temperament.

Runway hairstyles inspiration

Catwalk hair design inspiration no doubt born from high fashion on the show itself. The hairdresser Eugene said in an interview: “Antonio new season fashions and distinctive feature of this announcement, the texture clear, textured coat outline model refinement and superior to the body lines. When I see the models when you try these stylish motorcycle jacket, I think water fountain. In my opinion, these unique coat is magnificent, but also full of wild beauty, which has just inspired me to create a hard texture, wild road, and the combination of finely woven braids, so contrasting but unusually harmonious shape.

Eugene to create fluffy distribution combined with delicate braided hair hairstyle not only highlight the urban female fashion, contained more feel the power of the music. Eugene said: “create this hairstyle is the key-plastic State to lively and wild as the main tone of the overall shape, combined with the elegant braid, this is will be the quintessence of classical music into the rock. ”

How to build a runway Look Frida Giannini and create a new sexy Gucci Empire

Want to create the perfect runway hairstyles, your hair first to meet the “supermodel-level” standard! Paris poetry brought three luxury hair care oil, help hair fully prepared!

Fashion week hair show steal supermodel runway hairstyles

Paris poetry card double pure lotion, dual-Ching Ching pure rose oil, double white tea-Ching contains Morocco nut oil, camellia oil, cyanine compound consisting of pure corn oil the best pure systems can efficiently complete antioxidant, soothing, moisturizing, tough, light and neonatal six major effects. Also, dual-Ching white Camellia oil and double elite pure rose oil and add the white Camellia oil and Millennium rose oil, respectively, for the dyed hair and the soft sensitive hair has a magical effect.

Choosing a suitable hair oil, come to follow up on the open runway hairstyles to create travel!

Super model hair style 5 steps to create:

The first step, add a step before shampooing, Paris hair gold oil squeezed in the Palm card poems, knead evenly on dry scalp, hair evenly to the hair root, fully massaged into the scalp, then rinse the hair after hair washing steps.

Fashion week hair show steal supermodel runway hairstyles

The second step, shampoo based on the steps, before the dry, wet hair hair hair hair evenly in Paris poetry gold oil, hair back with a soft mane comb to gently comb and blow dry hair with a hair dryer. After the hair dryer again in dry hair hair hair evenly through hair oil, keep the hair in the best condition to conduct a follow-up model to create.

Fashion week hair show steal supermodel runway hairstyles

The third step, divided into the upper and lower ends of the hair, and hair fixed above your head at the top, around the bottom hair evenly divided into two parts, apply a moderate amount of hair oil, respectively, so that when you let the hair braiding is easier to control. When you start weaving around the ends of the braids, some attention should be placed on the scalp gradually weave, so as to allow the braid to completely fit in the ear, all the programmed and then braids down to your chest.

Fashion week hair show steal supermodel runway hairstyles

The fourth step, following the completion of hair weave, braids you want to apply the right amount of hair gel, making it more compact, rich texture. Then fixed the head hair loosens and straight hair straightening, noticed that hair gently straight taut, so that the ends of the hair more texture and strength.

The fifth step, apply a moderate amount of Paris at the head hair gold oil card poems, with a fine tooth comb by comb-and-brush repeatedly until all the hair root at the top and look as smooth as silk and wet. Hair pulled back with a wide-toothed comb, shape the rock of Visual effects. Finally fixed above the bottom hair braids on both sides with a hairpin, and apply the right amount of hair gel and then use hair dryer to dry, when her hair fixed again issued a clamp, a root hair pulled to the front, and another left behind.

Fashion week hair show steal supermodel runway hairstyles

Gold hair oil of the entire card poems in Paris accompanied by creating runway hairstyles are not only stylish, but does not damage the hair, and great hair is hair appeal plus Oh!

Double double white tea-Ching Ching pure rose oil card poems in Paris fashion week hair hair hair hair hair

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